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  1. 马来西亚旅游作文
  2. 马来西亚旅游攻略用英语写
  3. 马来西亚旅游英文简介
  4. 马来西亚旅游英语资料


A Trip to Malaysia

During spring vacation my family and I went to Malaysia for a short holiday.

After a three-hour flight, we landed in Penang, the country's second largest city.

Then we took a long bus trip followed by a nice little boat ride to Pangkor, an off-the-beaten-path vacation spot in Malaysia.

Pangkor's smooth blue sea, fine swimming beaches and unpollufed environment make it a dreamland for those who want to get away from it all for a while.

There we engaged in such thrilling water sports as deep-sea fishing, jet-skiing, and even parasailing!

What's more, drinking fresh coconut milk was an experience I will never forget.

For those who haven't been to Malaysia, such a trip is well worth taking.


1. 在马来西亚,英语是官方语言之一,讲英文能够帮助你更好地与当地居民沟通交流,解决一些基本问题。
2. 英语在马来西亚旅游业中也很常用,很多旅游景点、酒店、餐馆等都会有英文标示和提供英文服务。
3. 此外,掌握一些基础的马来语也可以是你的旅行更顺利,因为当地人对于游客能说一些马来语往往会更加友好和热情。


Malaysia is a country located in Southeast Asia, bordered by Thailand to the north and west, Singapore to the south, and Indonesia to the east. Its capital city is Kuala Lumpur, which is also its largest city, with a population of over 1.7 million people.

Malaysia is made up of 13 states and three federal territories, each with its own unique culture, traditions, and attractions. Some of the most popular tourist destinations in Malaysia include the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Cameron Highlands in Pahang, the Batu Caves in Selangor, and the Langkawi archipelago in Kedah.

Malaysia has a diverse economy that is largely based on manufacturing, agriculture, and services. Its main industries include electronics, petrochemicals, palm oil, and tourism. The country has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from Malay, Chinese, Indian, and European traditions.

In addition to being a popular tourist destination, Malaysia is also known for its delicious food, including its fam



首先,过关的时候,海关人员通常会用英语和马来语跟你交流。如果你不会马来语,那么一些基本的英语单词和短语就派上用场了。例如,“Hello”,“Thank you”,“Passport”,“Visa”等等。

其次,如果你在过关时遇到问题,不要紧张,可以寻求帮助。你可以询问海关人员一些简单的英语问题,例如,“What is the procedure for getting a visa?”,“Where can I find the immigration office?”。通常,海关人员都会很友好地回答你的问题。
