



  1. 厦门旅游攻略英语
  2. 去厦门旅游攻略3日游价格
  3. 介绍一下厦门旅游攻略英语
  4. 去厦门旅游的旅游攻略英语
  5. 厦门旅游三大景点攻略英文
  6. 去厦门旅游自由游攻略英文


用厦门,这座美丽的海滨城市,拥有无数令人心动的魅力。I adore Xiamen, a coastal city that exudes incomparable charm.

首先,它的自然风光令人叹为观止。The natural scenery here is breathtaking. 漫步在环岛路,沐浴着海风的拂面,可以感受到大海的广阔与深邃。Strolling along the Huandao Road, one can feel the vastness and profundity of the sea as the sea breeze brushes across one's face. 鼓浪屿上的日光岩,更是厦门的一大亮点,站在岩顶,可以俯瞰整个厦门岛,美景尽收眼底。Gulangyu Island's Sunlight Rock is another highlight of Xiamen, offering a panoramic view of the entire island from its peak.

此外,厦门的文化底蕴也让人着迷。Moreover, Xiamen's cultural heritage is fascinating. 南普陀寺的宁静与庄严,为这座城市增添了一抹神秘的色彩。The tranquility and solemnity of Nanputuo Temple add a mysterious touch to this city. 而在厦门大学,古老的建筑与现代的气息交相辉映,是学子们追求知识的殿堂。Xiamen University, with its blend of ancient architecture and modern atmosphere, is a palace of knowledge for students.

当然,美食也是厦门的一大特色。Certainly, delicious food is another highlight of Xiamen. 沙茶面、海蛎煎、烧肉粽等特色小吃,让人回味无穷。Special snacks like Sha Cha noodles, fried oysters, and barbecued pork dumplings leave one with a lingering taste. 在这里,你不仅可以品尝到海鲜的鲜美,还能感受到闽南饮食文化的独特魅力。Here, you can not only taste the freshness of seafood, but also experience the unique charm of Minnan food culture.

总之,厦门是一个充满魅力的城市,无论是自然风光、文化底蕴还是美食,都让人流连忘返。In conclusion, Xiamen is a charming city that captivates with its natural scenery, cultural heritage, and delicious food. 无论是短暂的旅行还是长期的居住,这里都能带给你无尽的惊喜与感动。Whether it's a brief trip or a long-term residence, Xiamen will bring you endless surprises and touching moments.










Xiamen University, also known as Xia Da, is a comprehensive public research university located in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China. The university was founded in 1921 and has since become one of the most prestigious universities in China.

The university has a strong focus on research, with over 30 national and provincial key research fields and a number of research centers and institutes. It is also known for its comprehensive range of academic programs, including undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in a variety of disciplines.

Xiamen University has a diverse student community of over 37,000 students, including international students from all over the world. The campus is spread over several sites, with the main campus located on the picturesque island of Siming, known for its beautiful scenery and historical landmarks.

The university has a strong commitment to social responsibility and is actively involved in community service and social innovation activities. It also has a vibrant campus life with a range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports teams for students to participate in.

Overall, Xiamen University is a world-class institution with a strong focus on research and academic excellence, a diverse and welcoming student community, and a commitment to social responsibility and innovation.


厦门在中国的什么方向?可回答: Xiamen is in the southeast of China.相关表达: in the southeast of,在……的东南方。




1. I really like Xiamen University, which has a beautiful campus and excellent teaching facilities.(我真的很喜欢厦门大学,它有美丽的校园和优秀的教学设施。)

2. I have a deep affection for Xiamen University, where I can enjoy a rich academic atmosphere and colorful campus life.(我对厦门大学有着深厚的感情,在那里我可以享受丰富的学术氛围和多彩的校园生活。)

3. Xiamen University is my favorite university, with its charming scenery and high-quality educational resources.(厦门大学是我最喜欢的大学,有着迷人的风景和高质量的教育资源。)

4. I am deeply in love with Xiamen University, which offers me broad development opportunities and a warm learning environment.(我深深地爱上了厦门大学,它为我提供了广阔的发展机会和温暖的学习环境。)

5. My love for Xiamen University knows no bounds, and I am proud to be a part of this wonderful institution.(我对厦门大学的喜爱无边无际,我为能成为这个美妙学府的一部分而感到自豪。)

6. Xiamen University has won my heart with its unique charm and outstanding academic reputation.(厦门大学以其独特的魅力和卓越的学术声誉赢得了我的心。)


Certainly! Here's a brief introduction to Xiamen in English:

Xiamen, pronounced as ['ʃjɑːmən], is a coastal city located in southeastern China along the shores of the Taiwan Strait in Fujian Province. Known for its picturesque scenery and mild subtropical climate, Xiamen has evolved into an important economic hub and tourist destination.

Historically, Xiamen served as a significant port city with a rich cultural heritage dating back centuries, particularly during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today, it combines its traditional charm with modern urban development, reflected in its well-preserved Gulangyu Island, which is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site known for its colonial architecture and beautiful gardens.

The city also hosts the annual Xiamen International Marathon and is a gateway for international trade, thanks to its strategic location and advanced infrastructure. Xiamen is part of China's economic reform initiatives and is home to the Xiamen Special Economic Zone, fostering innovation and attracting foreign investment with its favorable policies.

Moreover, Xiamen University, one of China's prestigious institutions, adds to the city's intellectual vibrancy. With its blend of business opportunities, educational excellence, and natural beauty, Xiamen continues to grow as a popular choice for both Chinese and international visitors alike. The city prides itself on being a green and livable place, integrating harmoniously with nature while pursuing sustainable growth.
